Tuesday, 13 May 2008

CATME Peer assessment system

A peer assessment tool named ‘Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness’ (CATME) was developed in the US for facilitating self and peer assessment of group work. Similar to WebPA, CATME was developed through extensive research into peer assessment and the methods for facilitating such tasks. Such research was funded by the National Science Foundation. CATME is an online system and an unique aspect of the software is that tutors are able to see the overall rating fro each team member with and without self peer assessment scores. Therefore, it provides results for ‘self and peer’ and ‘peer only’ assessment at the same time. CATME’s limitations lie in relation to the criteria that can be used for the assessment such that the criteria is fixed for each assessment. Research carried out by the CATME team found that there were 5 ‘instrument measures’ which students should be assessed by which were;

1. Contributing to the team’s work
2. Interacting with team mates
3. Keeping the team on track
4. Expecting quality
5. Having relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.

Therefore academics are unable to change the criteria within the CATME system. It is unclear how widely used the CATME system is or how long the system has been developed for. The CATME system is similar to WebPA in that confidential assessment is carried out by students and that extensive research has informed the development of the system.

More information can be found from https://engineering.purdue.edu/CATME/